March, 25 - April, 5, 2020
22:00 GMT
Full Payment: 360$
Layaway deposit: 90$
*For layaway option: you're paying for installment/ the part for casting service work which is non-return. You will receive your doll with only for the whole payment. Layaway can be parted for 3-5 parts.
In 24-48 hours ypu will get an e-mail with confirmation of you order. If you have any questions feel free to e-mail me:
If you have different e-mails, one for PayPal and the other for messages, please, write both of them, cos I'll need your "alive" e-mail for contacting about your order.
Production time: 4-6 months.
Colors can be a bit differ cos of different monitors' types, their settings and etc.
What you'll get?
- a doll without makeup in color that you chose;
- 1 pair of standart white eyes;
- carry case;
- the certificate of authenticity.
More photos:
My instagram: @zeligen.artist
Howard's instagram: @howard.deepwater